Texas Retires Durant's Jersey

You’ll have to excuse me because my details are a little fuzzy. As my alarm clock went off this morning and the television was still going from the prior night, I couldn’t help but notice that the anchors on SportsCenter were discussing how the University of Texas was retiring Kevin Durant’s jersey.


Are we serious? They are honestly retiring Durant’s jersey? This has to be some kind of joke. I decide to go online and check it out. Nope, this is a legit news story.

I should let it be known now that I have nothing against Kevin Durant, except for the fact that he plays for Oklahoma, but that is entirely not his fault. I just don’t understand how someone can honestly say that they are retiring his number already. He played ONE season at UT and then moved on to the NBA. I understand that he was amazing that one season and is probably one of the better UT basketball players ever, but still, this is a bit much.

When Durant went to UT everybody knew that it was a one and done season. On top of all that, they didn’t even win the championship. I could see if he brought them a National Championship they might want to honor him. And after all that, I think about how it hasn’t even been a full two years since he left UT.

I’ve never really thought anything bad about UT basketball, but I do now. If this jersey retirement proved anything to me, it’s that UT basketball is a joke. I can’t picture a real NCAA basketball school pulling a stunt like this. Way to go Texas.

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